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The XDSOFT team held a creative session to develop competencies

In April, XDSOFT employees participated in a team-building session in St. Petersburg. The two-day event aimed to improve team interaction, work on communication issues between specialists, and overall, increase engagement within the group.

Divided into teams of 6-7 people, managers, developers, and analysts worked together on tasks ranging from brainstorming sessions to business games.

During one of the exercises, the teams were tasked with developing and presenting poster projects focused on different aspects of teamwork—group values, roles and skills, and communication synergy. Each participant had the opportunity to speak publicly, while others observed the results from the various teams.

The business game "We’re Going to Dubai" encouraged participants to explore decision-making levels, identify "bottlenecks" in delegation and task coordination processes, and choose the most effective strategies for themselves.

As a result of the brainstorming sessions, the teams were able to:

  • Define the concept of "trust within a team" and how it manifests;
  • Highlight key values for different teams and identify both shared goals and individual motivation for achieving them;
  • Analyze existing internal team interaction processes and understand how they can be improved and effectively implemented.

Enhancing team potential and developing employee competencies are key factors for XDSOFT's growth. The company places a strong emphasis on unlocking each employee's potential and fostering a high level of "team spirit" among developers and managers. The two-day session allowed each participant to contribute, share their perspective, and, through team-building activities, gain valuable skills in goal-setting and interpersonal communication.

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